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пятница, 14 февраля 2020 г.

Задание на понедельник 17 февраля

учебник стр 69 Повторить Present Perfect

Оценки на 14 февраля будут выставлены за пробную ВПР
Те, кто не был на уроке, попробуйте выполнить ее дома

Задание 1
A.    Annie is talking to her_________ .  
1)  father                       2) brother       3) uncle
B.    Annie has read a book  called____
1)  “Harry Potter”         2) “Jingle Bells’      3) “Best in Class”
C.    Annie does NOT like to play_____
1)  football                    2) the piano   3) with dolls
D.    Annie can
1) play the guitar 2) play the piano    3) make cookies
E. When Santa Clause comes to Annie, he always       .
1)     brings her toys 2) eats her cookies 3) plays her piano

Задание 4  Установите соответствие между текстами А-Е и их темами, выбрав
тему 1-6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз.
В задании одна тема лишняя.
1)    a city park.
2)    city transport.
3)    a famous house.
4)    a group of museums.
5)    the main facts about a city.
6)    food.
A.   Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States of America. It is located between Virginia and Maryland on the Potomac River. Washington D.C. is also the headquarters of the federal government. This beautiful city is a symbol of the country’s history and the home of many important historical landmarks.
B.   Подпись: \Many of Washington, D.C.’s famous landmarks are located in the National Mall. The Mall is a long, narrow, park like area that is located in the middle of the city’s many huge buildings. In the spring, cherry trees blossom in the National Mall. People enjoy |_ coming here with children over the weekend. On both sides of the Mall several big museums are located.                                                                                 h
C.   Not far from the National Mall, one can see the White House. George Washington, the first American president, chose a place for the White House in 1791. It took 8 years to construct, and since 1800, when John Adams and his wife Abigail moved into it, it has been home to all the U.S. presidents. Many of the rooms of the White House are open to the public and are visited by tourists.
D.   Подпись: H-Several museums that surround the National Mall are known together as the Smithsonian Institution. It was founded in 1846 in the name of the British scientist James Smithson who left his money to create an institution of science and learning. Today, the Smithsonian Institution includes nineteen museums, nine research centers and a zoo.
E.    Washington, D.C. is one of the world’s most international cities. It is no wonder that it has one of the most vibrant restaurant scenes in the United States. The restaurants have chefs from many different countries. Think of a national food — and Washington DC   has it: French, Italian, Mexican, Korean, Vietnamese, Indian, Thai, and even Russian! Restaurants vary from very cheap and casual ones to very fashionable and expensive.

Задание 5
Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из четырёх предложенных ва­риантов.
The Story of Pied Piper
Many years ago in the German town of Hamelin, the people had a terrible problem with rats. There were rats everywhere — in the streets, houses, gardens, even A _____   beds. The mayor В_______    what to do. One day, a strange man called Pied Piper С_________ and said he could help with the problem. But he asked for a lot of money. The mayor agreed to pay D________ . The Pied Piper played his pipes and the rats followed him out of Hamelin and fell over a cliff. “I will not give you the money!” said the mayor, “You are asking too much!” So the Pied Piper played his pipes again.
This time every child followed the Pied Piper. The E  _____never returned. The mayor had learnt his lesson, but much too late.
A.       1) people’s      2) people 3) peoples  4) peoples’
B.       1) don’t know 2) not know 3) does not know  4) did not know
C.       1) come           2) came 3) was coming  4) has come
D.       1) her               2) his                     3) him   4) he
E.       1) child’s         2) children’s 3) children   4) child

Задание 6
Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее
слово, выбрав его из списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

A Secret Library
Подпись: 1) away
2) over
3) like
4) about
5) because
6) so
7) now
All big old cities have legends. One of the Moscow legends is A_____ the library that belonged to the  Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Some people believe that there were 800 books in the Tsar’s library and that they were written in Latin and ancient Greek. Back in those days, books were very expensive, and В ________ the Tsar kept his library С_____          from people’s eyes. Nobody knows what happened to that library. They say that some of those books can D______be found in Lenin Library, in Pashkov House, and in some museums, E______ Kolomenskoye. But there is still a possibility that the whole library is hidden in a secret place in the Kremlin and nobody knows about that secret place. So one day, it may be found!

1 комментарий:

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